A Progressive Christian Community

Join us for a Sunday Service at 10 am

No matter where you are on your journey, you are welcome

We strive to actively reflect God’s love as we care for one another and engage in worship, education, inclusive hospitality, and compassionate action for social justice.


  • Watch Service

    Join us Sundays at 10 AM online or in person for a vibrant blended worship service featuring diverse music, a spirited sermon, children's class, and nursery care, followed by a welcoming social hour with refreshments and community.

  • Our Values

    As a progressive Christian community and Idaho’s first LGBTQ-affirming congregation since 1991, we believe that the persistent search for God nurtures an authentic relationship that inspires love, guiding our commitment to education and compassionate action for racial, economic, religious, and environmental justice.

  • Groups

    Find a community that fits you, whether it's our monthly seniors' luncheons, children's and family activities, contemplative prayer and communion group, faith explorations class, or racial justice book group, there is something for everyone!