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Contemplative Prayer & Communion
Tuesdays at 5pm @ Church
Their weekly gatherings begin with a time of sharing spiritual moments from the past week, fostering connection and reflection. Then they discuss their current book before engaging in Lectio Divina, a contemplative prayer practice that quiets the mind and opens the heart. Their time together concludes with prayers for the community and the sharing of Communion.These sessions have deepened our relationships with Christ and one another, and we warmly invite you to join us.
For more information, contact Nikki Leonard at nikkiblue1@mac.com.
Faith Exploration
Mondays at Noon @ Church
Led by the Rev. Dr. Douglas Lobb, this group delves into contemporary biblical scholarship, ethics, and the latest discoveries in archaeology and history as they relate to progressive Christianity. Through engaging discussions based on books, DVDs, and articles, participants explore cutting-edge research on the life and times of Jesus. If you enjoy thought-provoking conversations and diverse perspectives on religion and faith, you are warmly invited to join.
For more information, contact Doug Lobb dlobb33@gmail.com -
Racial Jusice Book Study
Thursdays 10:30-11:30am on Zoom
The group meets to read and discuss different books on racial justice. All are welcome to join. Currently, the group has just begun reading Seeing Red: Indigenous Land, American Expansion, and the Political Economy of Plunder in North America by Michael John Witgen. Other books they’ve read are Waking up White, or a Do The Work Antiracist Activity Book.Join the discussion via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98736900161
For more information, contact Liz Roberts nodawaykid@gmail.com
Green Team Iniaitives
Insert Times They Meet and Where:
The Justice Witness and Mission (JWM) Board formed a Green Team in 2023 to help Boise First UCC become a more sustainable and carbon-neutral congregation by 2050, aligning with the city’s goal. The team is working to educate the congregation, reduce the church’s carbon footprint, and explore policy advocacy for climate action. They have met with leaders from the Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship to learn from their efforts and plan to invite a speaker to share insights.
Those interested in joining or learning more can email nodawaykid@gmail.com -
Seniors Luncheon
First Tuesday at Noon @ Church
Join us for our monthly Seniors Potluck & Learning Luncheon from September-May, where adults 65 and older gather for a delicious meal and an engaging educational experience! Each month, we welcome a special guest speaker who will share insights on a unique topic—come to learn something new, enjoy great food, and connect with old and new friends.Bring a dish to share and an appetite for knowledge and community!
For more information, contact Carol Stirling
Wednesdays 12 & 6pm @ Church
Join Rev. Josh for a 6-week Lenten devotional study from March 12th to April 16th at either noon or 6 PM, in person at the church or online (hybrid format). This study will coincide with our Sunday morning sermon series, The Wilderness.
Lent begins in the wilderness. The Spirit leads Jesus into the wild, where he confronts temptation, struggle, and solitude. Yet, through fasting, resisting, and wandering, he is shaped for ministry. Likewise, Lent invites us to surrender to the Spirit’s leading, embracing the wilderness as both sacred and unsettling.
You are encouraged to engage with the devotional readings at your own pace. A PDF of the devotional book is available for download here, or you can pick up a printed copy in the narthex.
Sign up today by emailing church@boisefirstucc.org.